Chiropractic problems are common in dogs. They can result from injuries relating to running, jumping, or repetitive types of activities. Long periods of cage rest, being under anesthesia, birth trauma, slips or falls, and of course the general wear and tear of life. Pet owners may not always be aware of the stresses that affect their pets and cause chiropractic problems. This is why we now host monthly Chiro Days, where you can come to All About Dogs and have your dog treated by Dr. Larisa Shevchuk. Initial assessments are 30 minutes.
Chiropractic problems are common in dogs. They can result from injuries relating to running, jumping, or repetitive types of activities. Long periods of cage rest, being under anesthesia, birth trauma, slips or falls, and of course the general wear and tear of life. Pet owners may not always be aware of the stresses that affect their pets and cause chiropractic problems. This is why we now host monthly Chiro Days, where you can come to All About Dogs and have your dog treated by Dr. Larisa Shevchuk right here. These appointments are only available for clients that have done an initial visit with Dr. Larisa.