Be Well Dog Behaviour & Training was founded in August 2022 by Veterinarian and Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Dr. Christina Lucas. It is our mission to provide evidence-based, individualized, and accessible training, behaviour, and pet care services that prioritize the safety and wellbeing of pets and their people. We help people and dogs struggling with anything from basic training and puppy problems to reactivity, aggression (towards people, dogs, and other animals), fear, and anxiety. We implement reward-based methods for training and behaviour modification in combination with a learner-centred approach, and we act primarily as coaches for the “human end of the leash”. We aim to give dog guardians the knowledge and skills they need to understand, manage, and alter the behaviours they and their dog are struggling with. We help dogs & their humans thrive together and increase overall wellness, from puppies to seniors, and basic training support to aggression cases.

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A Practical Approach to Lowering Stress in Canine Patients

*NOTE FOR REGISTRATION* You are not intended to bring your own dog. Write “N/A” when...Read More

A Practical Approach to Lowering Stress in Canine Patients

*NOTE FOR REGISTRATION* You are not intended to...Read More
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