To see all the upcoming dates and times for a class you are interested in, please click on the "Book" button. You will see a small pop up window. Click on the "Book Now" button and you will see all the upcoming classes available for registration.

Puppy Start Right Kindergarten Group Classes(1)

Puppy Start Right Preschool(1)

Fun Scent Games(1)

Manners & Life Skills Teenager Edition(1)

Online BAT (1)

Zoom Office Hours(1)

Skill Building Games(1)

Bold and Brave(1)

Playful Partners: Games for a Happier Home(1)

Games for Optimism: Building a Positive Mindset in Your Pup(1)

AKC Star Puppy(1)

Doggy Fitness(1)

Playful Partners: Games to Teach Your Dog the World is None of His/Her Business(1)

Dial in a Dimmer Switch with your Dog(1)

Genius Pup Masterclass(1)

Snake Foundations(1)


  • Winning Together - Conformation Handling Program Open Enrollment
    Group / Multiple Days


    Develop a winning partnership in the show ring while prioritizing your dog’s well-being. This program is designed with your dog’s welfare at the forefront, using positive reinforcement techniques t...

Loose Leash Walking(1)

Jumpers Anonymous(1)

Good Life Class(1)

    Group / Multiple Days


    Introducing The G.O.O.D. L.I.F.E. C.L.A.S.S. – a flexible, semi-private training experience designed to focus on what matters most to you and your dog. Unlike traditional classes, where a fixed cur...

Confidence that Clicks Shy Dogs(1)


Confidence that Clicks Barking Dogs(1)

Go With the Flow(1)

Naughty But Nice(1)
