To see all the upcoming dates and times for a class you are interested in, please click on the "Book" button. You will see a small pop up window. Click on the "Book Now" button and you will see all the upcoming classes available for registration.

Puppy Start Right Kindergarten Group Classes(1)

Puppy Start Right Preschool(1)

Fun Scent Games(1)

Manners & Life Skills Teenager Edition(1)

Online BAT (1)

Zoom Office Hours(1)

Skill Building Games(1)

Bold and Brave(1)

Playful Partners: Games for a Happier Home(1)

Games for Optimism: Building a Positive Mindset in Your Pup(1)

AKC Star Puppy(1)

Other Services(1)

  • Understanding the Differences: Fear, Anxiety, Reactivity, and Aggression
    Group / about 1 hour


    "Understanding the Differences: Fear, Anxiety, Reactivity, and Aggression" is a comprehensive one-hour presentation that aims to clarify and distinguish between common behavioral challenges faced b...