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Board and Train
This is the price for 'single' board and train days. This is never a recommended... This is the price for 'single' board and train days. This is never a recommended option as it takes many days to teach and instill or retrain behaviors, but it is always possible to work on something if your time is limited. Please check out the 'packages' for detailed options and discounts on multi-week stays! Packages, explanations and direct links to purchase can be found back on my main website CanineCommunication.Dog under the 'Training Packages' tab.
All plans and stay lengths are customizable, please reach out to chat about your specific needs!
*Payment transaction fees are passed on to the card holder. If you would like to avoid the 3% processing fee, you are welcome to reach out and pay via Paypal or Venmo!
Board and Train
This is the price for 'single' board and... This is the price for 'single' board and train days. This is never a recommended option as it takes many days to teach and instill or retrain behaviors, but it is always possible to work on something if your time is limited. Please check out the 'packages' for detailed options and discounts on multi-week stays! Packages, explanations and direct links to purchase can be found back on my main website CanineCommunication.Dog under the 'Training Packages' tab.
All plans and stay lengths are customizable, please reach out to chat about your specific needs!
*Payment transaction fees are passed on to the card holder. If you would like to avoid the 3% processing fee, you are welcome to reach out and pay via Paypal or Venmo!
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