Canine Learning Academy-certified professional pet training and behavior consulting uses only the most humane and effective training methods. Your dog will love training, and you'll get the results you need.  We use scientifically proven, positive reinforcement methods to train your dog.

We are proud never to use fear, pain, or force. 

The Process

Thank you for taking the time fill out this intake form. Please be sure to provide as much information as possible. Upload your dog's vaccines or email them to so that you can book your service. 

Once the form is complete, we will reach out within 24 hours (Monday through Friday) to schedule a Discovery Call if we have not done so already. During our initial Discovery Call, we will delve into your unique needs and goals. This will enable us to craft a personalized plan that aligns perfectly with your puppy's or dog's behavior goals. 

Once this plan is ready, we will invite you for an assessment or book the service of your choice. 

If you do not hear from us within 24 hours, please call or text us directly at 949.849.3885
Expiry Date

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Please upload a Photo or PDF document.

Force Free Training Agreement

Canine Learning Academy is a Force-Free training company. Force-free training teaches animals without pain, intimidation, threats, force, or coercion. We do not use collar corrections, scolding, or intentional aversive punishment. Instead, we teach dogs behaviors we want them to do so they have an opportunity to be successful rather than be punished for being a dog so they enjoy the learning process. In the spirit of force-free training philosophies, we do not allow choke chains, prong collars, or electronic collars in our group classes. If you use these tools for private training, we will work with you to find a path to phasing out this equipment.

Liability Waiver and Training Policies

I understand that the Consultant will work directly with me and my dog to impart contemporary animal behavior knowledge that best fits our needs and that success depends on a combination of learned skills from the dog and owner. Behavior is not static; an animal will not continue to perform even trained behaviors without ongoing practice. Especially in cases involving any type of aggression, although behavior may be modified, the dog is never considered “cured”. A dog’s behavior is ultimately the owner’s responsibility. The consultant will make every reasonable effort to help us attain goals but makes no guarantees of performance on the part of the Client or dog as a result of providing professional animal behavior consultations.

Canine Learning Academy, LLC will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the training of my pet and will offer only sound, safe, and responsible training and training instructions. However, I acknowledge that there are certain unavoidable and inherent risks in any pet-related activity, including physical injury to me or to my pet and damage to my property. I, therefore, assume the risk of any injuries, damages, or loss that I might sustain as a result of participating in the Canine Learning Academy, LLC  training program, and my heirs and I hereby release Canine Learning Academy, LLC and its members, independent contractors, officers, agents, servants, employees, and affiliates, and I hereby indemnify such releases against and hold such releases harmless from any claims, costs, and causes of action, known or unknown, actual or contingent, which I have or may come to have as the result of or arising out of my participation (with my pet or otherwise) in the training program, and I waive the benefit of any statute which provides that unknown claims may not be waived. 

The client acknowledges that training/behavior modification may be an activity in which damage or injury to the dog(s) and/or persons may occur. The client will assume full financial/moral responsibility for the actions of their dog(s). Client further acknowledges that dog(s) may be exposed to a variety of environmental conditions which include, but are not limited to, vehicular travel, interaction with people and other animals, exposure to adverse weather, and exposure to areas with crowds and all types of traffic.

Further, I acknowledge and agree that I am and will remain responsible for the actions of my pet at all times. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless Canine Learning Academy, LLC  and its members, independent contractors, officers, agents, servants, employees, and affiliates of any claims of injury, expense, costs, or damages caused by or related to the actions or behavior of my pet while participating in the training program or at any time related thereto. I also understand that the recommendation of any other product or service does not guarantee my satisfaction with that product or service.


-After the commencement of all training programs, clients are allowed one session to be rescheduled due to an emergency or illness. Canceled appointments must be rescheduled within one week of cancellation. Failure to do so results in forfeiture of that training session.

-Subsequent rescheduling and cancellations result in forfeiture of those sessions.
-No-show appointments and appointments canceled without 24-hour notice count as a session in your training program.
-Frequent rescheduling, canceling or no-show appointments may result in termination of services. If services are terminated due to more than one no-show appointment or rescheduling of more than two appointments, a refund will not be provided.

Media Release

I hereby give my full consent to all photographs, audio recordings, video recordings, and/ or academic work taken of me, my dog(s), friends, and family members (including minor children) by Yo Armendariz and Canine Learning Academy, or their designee. I understand that any such photographs, audio or video recordings, and academic work become the property of Yo Armendariz and Canine Learning Academy and may be used without consent for instructional, educational, or promotional purposes as determined by Yo Armendariz and Canine Learning Academy in broadcast and electronic media formats, now existing or in the future created.

Vaccine Requirements

Puppy Preschool requires vaccine and health requirements detailed in the class registration.

All other all-day school or group classes require dogs to be current on all the following vaccines: rabies, distemper, parvo, parainfluenza, and hepatitis, commonly identified on your vet records as DHPP.

Titer results for distemper and parvo are accepted.

If you have any difficulties registering or have any questions, please get in touch with us by contacting our company cell phone at 949.849.3885 (text or call)

Not sure what service is for you? Set up a free call.