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S. Petr Pupik - International Handling and Coursework - Auditing
International Handling and Coursework with Petr Pupik - Petr Pupik, from the Czech Republic, is... International Handling and Coursework with Petr Pupik - Petr Pupik, from the Czech Republic, is not only one of the most prominent international judges, but also a competitive handler, running a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.
Each group will consist of 5 handlers and work approximately 3.5 hours. Teams must be comfortable working on level 2-3 ISC type courses.
Balance is due at the time of the seminar. Checks or cash to Canine Sports Zone: 3036 Laura Lane Middleton, WI 53562. See the policies page on our website for our refund policy:
S. Petr Pupik - International Handling and Coursework - Auditing
International Handling and Coursework with Petr Pupik -... International Handling and Coursework with Petr Pupik - Petr Pupik, from the Czech Republic, is not only one of the most prominent international judges, but also a competitive handler, running a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.
Each group will consist of 5 handlers and work approximately 3.5 hours. Teams must be comfortable working on level 2-3 ISC type courses.
Balance is due at the time of the seminar. Checks or cash to Canine Sports Zone: 3036 Laura Lane Middleton, WI 53562. See the policies page on our website for our refund policy:
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