Comprehensive Training and Welfare Policy for Service Dogs

  1. Commitment to Positive Reinforcement Training: We exclusively use force-free techniques to train service dogs. This ensures that the dogs are trained in a humane and effective manner, promoting a positive learning environment and fostering trust between the dog and handler. By working with COLLAB DOG TRAINING and its associates, you agree to never use prong collars, shock/e-collars or any other aversive methods (such as screaming/yelling at your dog). COLLAB Dog Training 
  2. Regular Health and Welfare Checks: Service dogs undergo regular health check-ups to ensure they are physically and mentally fit to perform their duties. This includes veterinary visits, nutritional assessments, and mental well-being checks. You may be asked to share documentation of vet/health records 
  3. Strict Adherence to Legal and Ethical Standards: We adhere to all legal standards and ethical guidelines pertaining to service dogs. This includes respecting public access rights, ensuring the dog's welfare, and upholding the privacy and dignity of the handler. As a result, we will ask for a letter from your healthcare provider to ensure you will benefit from a service dog. Both the trainer and the client agree to adhere to all local, state, and federal laws applicable to service dogs. This includes public access rights, discrimination laws, and any specific regulations pertaining to service dogs. 
  4. Training Logs: You agree to ensure completion of all training logs. This legally protects not only you as the handler but also us as your trainer. Additionally, it's an excellent way for us to keep track and ensure we are making training progress. 
  5. Handler Compliance: The client agrees to follow the training program as outlined and to consistently apply the training techniques taught by the trainer. This is crucial for the effectiveness and success of the service dog's training.
  6. Cancellations: The client agrees to provide as much notice to the trainer as possible in the event a training session will need to be canceled. If the client cancels within 24 hours, the client understands they will lose that session.
  7. Non-compliance with these standards may result in the termination of the training agreement. The circumstances and procedures for such termination will be clearly outlined to protect the interests of both parties and the welfare of the service dog.
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