This is our new Train and Walk Program!!

Train and Walks are 30min or 60min sessions where a trainer comes to your house for a one on one walk with your dog.
There is also a 30min Check-In option where we stop by to check up on your dog during your work day. We can potty your dog, give medication, feed or do enrichment with your dog.
This Check-In will not be a walk and will be in your house or backyard.

You are not required to be at the house, but a way of entry is required if you are not there (example: Code or Key).
This way of entry will be provided to the trainer and only used for authorized entry.
The key will need to be provided to Dumbledogs or left in a safe place for the trainer to grab prior to the walk.
The key will be returned if you are no longer wanting to do training walks. It can be picked up from Dumbledogs Facility.

You can choose what you'd like to work on during training walks (example: Leash manners, decompressing walk, reactivity, exercise, variety, etc.).

 If your dog does exceptional throughout the visit, they will receive the *Prefect Badge*.
This badge is given after the walk, based on your dogs behaviour. This award grants you 10% back from that walk!
This amount will be returned to the card used to pay following the session.

Please ensure the harness/collar and leash are easily accessible.
We do not use prong collars or choke chains in our training.
Please provide treats for your dog to use during the training session. Any unused treats will be returned when the walk is finished.

30MIN Check-In = $25 plus GST
30 MIN Train and Walk = $35 plus GST
60MIN Train and Walk = $50 plus GST
PLUS .40c per kilometer of travel for the session. This will be sent out 1-2 days before the session to ensure accuracy based on the trainers prior location.

There is a No Show Fee of $15 plus the travelled kilometers if you were to not be at home or provide entry for the scheduled session. The initial payment for the walk will be credited on your account to use in the future once the No Show Fee is paid. 

Times available will vary depending on the trainers availability. Please keep in mind this is a new service being offered, so availability can be limited. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

To schedule a walk or check-in, email for a prompt reply. 
Otherwise this form will be assessed and someone will reach out to book a session ASAP.

If cancellation or rescheduling is required, we need to be notified via email. No refunds to cancellations given 24 hours or less in advance.

We may reschedule walks due to weather and you will be notified.
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