We are a positive training school offering classes in puppy kindergarten, pet manners, agility, rally obedience, scent detection, competition obedience, tricks and more. We also have a number of mini workshops and weekend seminars hosted at our facility. With our wide variety of classes and workshops we have a program for every dog!
Offering over 5400 sq feet of play space in the agility room. Complete with foam agility flooring for superior traction and comfort. Agility room has a full set of competition quality agility equipment.
Our 1600 sq ft obedience room offers plenty of room for puppy classes, pet manners classes and sport classes.
Our instructors are chosen for their compassion, knowledge, experience and accomplishments in dog training and their field of dog sports. Our instructors are judges, seasoned competitors, and top winning trainers. They will help you bring out the best in your dog and accomplish all your training and competitive goals.
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Disc Dog Skills & Drills
Level up your disc dog in this fun workshop designed to teach you all about... Level up your disc dog in this fun workshop designed to teach you all about the many important skills utilized by all of the top disc competitors in competition disc games. UpDog challenge is a popular organization full of fun disc dog games, in this workshop we will talk about some of the games and teach you the foundations of some of the important skills to have to be even more successful on the competition field! Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to level up your game!!!
Topics we will cover include:
Shapes and directional feeding
Driving a line “go” and “catch, catch”
Disc Management
Proper discs for conditions
And so much more!
Pre Requisites:
-6 months or older (some drills might be modified for puppies under 1 year)
-your dog is catching discs (rollers are ok), and is returning to the handler
Disc Dog Skills & Drills
Level up your disc dog in this fun... Level up your disc dog in this fun workshop designed to teach you all about the many important skills utilized by all of the top disc competitors in competition disc games. UpDog challenge is a popular organization full of fun disc dog games, in this workshop we will talk about some of the games and teach you the foundations of some of the important skills to have to be even more successful on the competition field! Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to level up your game!!!
Topics we will cover include:
Shapes and directional feeding
Driving a line “go” and “catch, catch”
Disc Management
Proper discs for conditions
And so much more!
Pre Requisites:
-6 months or older (some drills might be modified for puppies under 1 year)
-your dog is catching discs (rollers are ok), and is returning to the handler
- Service
- Date
- Profile
- Pet
- Payment
- Done