ONLY FOR PUPPIES UNDER 14 WEEKS as of the first class.This class is a rare opportunity to check things off your puppy to-do list in one go! It offers an essential foundation of exploring and socializing for puppies under 14 weeks, AND it occurs in the unique environment of the veterinary clinic, offering an opportunity to build a positive association with the vet. 4 classes, 45 minutes each, including puppy play, calm time, and exploration of stations. This is NOT an obedience class. Proof of vaccination required. Dog must have at least first set of core vaccines, and be on track with their vaccination schedule per veterinary guidelines.
This class is a small group of just 4 dog-guardian teams, designed for dedicated puppy guardians who want to go the extra mile to build TRUST with their dogs. For puppies under 1 year of age. Proof of vaccination required. Includes an in-depth orientation video, PDF resources, clicker, long line, and 6 weeks of in-person classes. This class is about engagement, building trust, teaching life skills, and preventing behaviour problems. It is not your classic "obedience" class.
VIRTUAL consultation for all new behaviour clients (NOT for separation anxiety clients, there is a separate assessment for this) to obtain history, ask/answer questions, see if we are a good fit, and come up with a training plan moving forward. Initial behaviour assessment will take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes.
Virtual consultation for all new separation anxiety clients to obtain history, ask/answer questions, see if we are a good fit, and come up with a training plan moving forward. Includes assessment of the dog's behaviour during alone time, by conducting a supervised practice departure. Initial assessment will take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes.
In person at your home in the Greater Victoria Area, to work on puppy, adolescent, and adult dog problem prevention and skills. 60 minutes in duration, includes notes, resources, and a training plan for your dog.