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To schedule behavior consulting or private training services please email Please note registration closes 24hrs before the first class.
This is the first step of our Puppy Series, and should be taken in conjunction with Puppy Foundations 2. Start your puppy off right with a positive relationship to learning. We use positive reinforcement and fun to teach your puppy to respond with enthusiasm to cues and every class has socialization and skills built in to provide your puppy with the best start possible. Puppies must be 2-8 months of age, with a max of 6 dogs per class. This is a 5 week series. Questions? Contact us at
A continuation of Puppy Foundations 1, with a focus on distractions, duration, and encouraging a faster response to the cue. Additional skills are added and incorporated into the curriculum.
Pre-Requisite: Puppy Foundations 1 or permission from the instructor
Focus: age-appropriate skills for building strong teamwork while keeping the sport light, upbeat and fun so your puppy thrives moving forward. Acquire the building blocks and necessary foundation skills for your puppy which will lead to a long, safe career as a successful sports or competition sidekick. Prerequisites: Age 6 months and under for med/large breed dogs, 10 months & younger for small breed dogs. If you have questions about your dogs age and suitability please contact us for assistance.
Prerequisite: Puppy Sports 3
This is our final step in our Puppy Sports series. This class will expand on the skills and knowledge from the earlier classes and provide age appropriate exercises to prepare your dog for adult dog classes.
Your journey starts here! This class provides a necessary foundation for all dogs and is where we recommend any dog over 6 months of age start training. You’ll learn about dog body language and communication, you’ll practice skills such as sit, stay, down, recall, “4 on the floor”, walking on a leash and go-to-mat. Whether a companion, adventure, or sport dog, these skills will help your dog navigate a family meal, a hike on the trail, or their first day at trial. Prerequisites: Must be comfortable in a group setting. No aggression, reactivity, or bite history.
It's our weekly Trek & Train without the unpredictable winter weather! Join Tara for indoor parkour and enrichment activities. We'll use the large turf area for dogs to get some exercise in a warm and safe environment. Please do not bring dogs with reactivity concerns without first talking to Tara unless you have previously been to our outdoor Trek and Trains. No aggressive dogs. Please do not bring your dog on a prong collar or an e-collar: contact us for suitable alternatives as we are always happy to help!
Agility: Fun is perfect for dogs 10 months and older whose handlers want to explore agility without the pressure of competition. If you've ever been curious about agility equipment and wanted to learn how to use it safely while having a great time, this class is for you. We'll cover equipment safety and teach you how to play with various obstacles, focusing on fun and bonding rather than the competitive aspects of the sport.
Learn the skills needed to pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test in this 5 week class. Our instructors will guide you through the AKC program which includes walking on a loose leash, navigating a crowd, sit and down stays, coming when called, and more. Testing will be offered during the last day of class. There will be a small charge required by AKC on the last day of testing for the testing form should you pass. You will not have this fee if you do not pass. AKC has a separate charge when you submit the passing form to them.
CGC-A (Advanced/Community Canine) and CGC-Urban(5 weeks) $135.00
Prerequisites: Must have a CGC Certificate. This class is prep for the advanced level of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Advanced (Community Canine)Title as well as the Urban title. Upon completion of this class your dog should be ready to test for their Canine Good Citizen Urban or Community Canine title, or both! This class includes new skills and one week with a full practice run of the CGCA and CGCU test in order to provide your dog with the best chance at success! Testing will be offered during the last day of class. There will be a small charge required by AKC on the last day of testing for the testing form should you pass. You will not have this fee if you do not pass. AKC has a separate charge when you submit the passing form to them
Does your dog get a little too excited when meeting people or rushes the door when guests arrive? In this class, we’ll focus on teaching your dog how to greet people calmly and wait patiently at the door. You'll learn practical techniques to manage excitement and help your dog make great first impressions. Prerequisites: Any age dog, any skill level. No reactive or aggressive dogs.
Love walking your dog! In this 2 week program, we'll help you go from stressed to relaxed in this loose leash walking class. Your dog will learn how to walk without pulling, ignore distractions, and enjoy walks without a commotion. Prerequisites.: Any age or skill level. No reactive or aggressive dogs.
Recall is one of the most important behaviors you can teach your dog. In this 2 week program, we'll help you achieve reliable, faster recalls. We'll also discuss what to do in an emergency situation. Prerequisite: any age dog. No reactive or aggressive dogs.
Did you know dogs move through the world led by their nose? This class will bring out the joy of sniffing in your dog. Learn to play fun scent games using food. We will keep your dog wanting to find more things to sniff out and discover. We may even get to help your dog find your lost keys! This class is suitable for dogs 6 months of age and older, they must be comfortable on a leash and in a group setting. This class is recommended for older dogs who will benefit from the enrichment while being able to move at their individual pace.
Do you have a jumpy, barky, lunging dog? Not all dogs are easy and that's okay, they're individuals just like us! Our reactive dog class is specifically designed to be a safe space for challenging dogs to work with their people. You will learn emergency handling and skills to help you focus on each other instead of worrying about what's around the corner. Please note this is a 10 week class, the first two weeks will be handler skills without your dog present. We will work with dogs that are already trained in order to help you feel comfortable and confident for when you enter the training facility with your own dog.
You have One Smart Dog! Tricks are clever ways to keep your dog occupied, develop communication skills and be a star at the same time! Earn AKC and Do More With Your Dog trick titles. This class is open to any dog and handlers aged 12 and up. Join us for the fun and amaze your friends!
Agility Foundation 1 is the perfect starting point for dogs 10 months of age or older who are ready to begin their agility journey. This class is designed for dogs that are comfortable working around other dogs, can be crated during class, and have basic obedience skills. Prerequisite: Canine Essentials or equivalent. Required skills include knowing how to sit, walking comfortably on leash, and staying on leash with the handler 6 feet away for at least 15 seconds.
Agility Foundation 2 builds on the skills learned in Foundation 1 and is ideal for dogs who are ready to advance their agility training. Prerequisites include all skills from Foundation 1, including a reliable recall, comfort with a short tunnel, and a nose touch to a target. Dogs should also be able to navigate two cones in a figure 8 pattern, perform sit, stand, down, and spin left and right on a platform, and be comfortable using a slant board.
Agility Foundation 3 is designed for dogs that have completed Foundation 2 and are ready to refine their skills further. Prerequisites include being comfortable with a stay on a platform, a bang on the teeter, performing a front paw target, and targeting a single weave gate. Dogs should also be able to run a four-paw pad in a short sequence.
Agility Foundation 4 is for dogs that have completed Foundation 3 and are ready to tackle more advanced skills. Prerequisites include the ability to collect to recall over a single jump, perform contacts at height with managed end criteria, and navigate a 5-obstacle sequence. Teams should also be familiar with forward sends, front, rear, and blind crosses, and be able to execute a forward lead-out of 10 feet from a single obstacle.
Focus: Develop clear expectations and cues to support reliable contact performance. Build consistent speed and clear contact behaviors, replicable in training and competition. We will start from the ground basics up. Prerequisites: Should be ready for contact training by having been introduced to foot targets and running boards. You will progress fastest by doing your homework and submitting videos. It is recommended students take two 5 week series.
Focus: Develop clear expectations and cues to support reliable contact performance. Build consistent speed and clear contact behaviors, replicable in training and competition. We will start from the ground basics up. Prerequisites: Should be ready for contact training by having been introduced to foot targets and running boards. You should have a clear vision of what you want your dog’s stopped contact to look like, as we will be working from the model you describe. Be prepared to go on to the second class in this series as they work in tandem.
Agility: Focus: Commitment to Obstacles (5 week) $150.00
Prerequisite: An assessment is required, and teams must be working at the Novice level and above. Dogs should be comfortable with tunnels and jumps (low jump height or jump bumps are acceptable). Handlers must be familiar with front, rear, and blind crosses and have an interest in understanding course design and challenges. Access to at least two jumps and a tunnel or cones at home is necessary.
Agility: Startline Stays is ideal for those beginning their agility foundation training or for experienced teams needing to strengthen a dog's startline stay. This class goes back to the basics of building a reliable startline stay, for improved performance and to decrease chances of a fault on the course. Prerequisites include completing a basic foundation skills class, such as Canine Essentials.
Prerequisite: Completion of Agility: Foundation 1. Participants must have access to a teeter at least three times a week and provide a 12-foot board for home practice. This class will concentrate on developing confidence and consistency on the teeter.
Tunnels are important! It takes training for your dog to learn to read your handling at speed...and tunnels are a speed obstacle. We will cover the basics: crosses on tunnels, handling straight vs curved tunnels well, backsides and off-sides of tunnels, and fast, enthusiastic sends to tunnels. Prerequisites: you must have or borrow a tunnel to do your homework.
Agility: Focus Weaves is designed for dogs that have completed a basic skills class, such as Canine Essentials, and are ready to focus on developing their weaves for agility competition. Prerequisites include being comfortable in a crate and having a stay with the handler 6 feet away for at least 15 seconds. Handlers must have access to weaves at home, which can be 2x2s, channels, or weave-a-matics, with a preference for two sets of six poles.
Agility: Competition: All Courses, All Levels (5 week) $150.00
Prerequisite: An assessment is required, and teams must be competing at the Novice level or higher. A startline stay, solid contacts, and proficiency with 12 weaves are mandatory. Teams should be comfortable running 16-20 obstacle courses and be familiar with front, rear, and blind crosses. This class focuses on handling rather than obstacle training.
Prerequisites: Dog and handler teams must complete Competition Agility: Open or pass an assessment. Teams must demonstrate proficiency in all Open-level requirements, including the ability to run 18-20 obstacle courses with multiple side changes and utilize backside approaches. They should be able to find lines to common patterns such as pinwheels and serpentines, and make appropriate handling decisions tailored to their team’s needs.
This class is for those wishing to compete in AKC Premier, UKI, USDAA, and ISC. Prerequisite: An assessment is required, and teams should be competing at the Open level or higher. This class is designed for those seeking to enhance their skills and tackle more complex courses with increased handling challenges.
Prerequisites: Dog and handler teams must complete Agility Foundation 4 or pass an assessment. They should be proficient in front, rear, and blind crosses, able to handle an 8-obstacle sequence, and work with contacts and jumps at full height, including tunnels and spread jumps.
Prerequisites: Dog and handler teams must complete Competition Agility Novice or pass an assessment. Teams must meet all Novice level requirements including proficiency in front, rear, and blind crosses, and must also be able to complete 12 closed weaves, demonstrate collection and extension on jumps, and handle 14-16 obstacle sequences with 4-5 side changes. Additionally, handlers should understand wraps, forward sends, and have begun working on backside jumps.
Prerequisites: Foundation 4 skills and higher, dogs ages 10 months and over are eligible with instructor permission. This class is for those new to the use of verbal cues for handling, and those who would like to improve their skills with a current, logical, comprehensive verbals program.
Dogs are expected to have a stay and know recalls to side and sends to tunnels. This class is mostly jumping and tunnel-based. Handlers are expected to know basic front, rear, blind and backside handling skills as these will not be taught.
This class is designed for teams who have titled in Novice and are preparing for trials at the Intermediate, Advanced, or Excellent levels. Each week, we’ll practice skills needed for the Advanced and Excellent level signs and run full courses to sharpen your performance. Students will benefit from repeating this class multiple times to prepare for testing at higher levels. Prerequisite: Rally Novice title or equivalent skills
This class introduces all 42 AKC Novice Rally signs. Each week, we’ll cover 7-8 signs and practice them in a short course to build your skills and confidence. To prepare for Rally Novice titles, most handlers find taking this class twice beneficial.
Dogs must walk on a loose leash in heel position and respond to sit and down cues.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be familiar with searching for birch, clove, anise, and cypress odors. They should be able to locate multiple hides in one area and have a clear alert behavior. Handlers should be confident managing searches for unknown hides and recognizing their dog’s alerts. This class will continue handling converging scent, high hides, corner hides, inaccessible hides, buried hides, vehicle searches, water asearches, complex odor puzzles, and searching in varied environments.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be at least 8 months old, able to walk on a loose leash, and comfortable in a group setting.
This class will introduce the basics of scent detection. We will use food and play to reinforce and build your dog’s motivation to search for hidden scents. During this class, we’ll begin introducing the target odors birch and clove. You'll also learn how to observe your dog’s behavior to recognize when they have found a scent and start developing a reliable alert signal for your dog.
Prerequisites: Dogs should have experience with basic scent searching, including searching for food and scents paired with food in boxes. They should have started training on odors like birch and clove and be able to successfully search for a single hide among 3-4 boxes in a small room or area. Topics covered include developing a reliable alert and building motivation and persistence to search.
Suitable for novice or advanced dogs. For novice dogs, tracks will be over easy to moderate terrain. Short tracks with one quarry and increasing time for the track to set. For advanced dogs able to trail in intermediate terrain, through moderate water challenges, over a quarter to half a mile, with multiple quarries off one main track, with at least a 30-minute delay. Challenges will increase with time, length, and weather. Sites will be in Medina County Parks. Classes will be held in most weather except storms.
Is your dog easily sidetracked by tempting distractions like pee spots, food, or even the judge's breakfast leftovers hidden in a container? If so, this session is perfect for you! We’ll work on practicing scent hides while introducing single and multiple distractions in a controlled environment. This class is designed for dogs of all levels who are searching for at least three odors and have an alert you can recognize.
Ready to take on unique outdoor scent challenges? This workshop explores the fascinating outdoor environment of One Smart Dog’s property, featuring hides designed with shifting air movement, temperature, and humidity to keep your dog engaged and learning. Be prepared for fun surprises as you and your dog tackle these exciting environmental scent puzzles together. Suitable for dogs searching three odors with a clear alert.
Does your dog need more experience searching around unique and challenging vehicles? Join us at One Smart Dog, where we offer searches on an exciting variety of vehicles, including large trucks, different types of trailers, backhoes, and other intriguing equipment. Each search will be tailored to your dog’s experience level, ensuring it’s fun and rewarding. This session is ideal for dogs already searching for at least three odors and who have a recognizable alert.