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Please note registration closes 24hrs before the first class.
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Scent: Event: Holiday Containers
Prerequisite: Foundation 2. Come join us for holiday container fun! All sorts of holiday containers... Prerequisite: Foundation 2. Come join us for holiday container fun! All sorts of holiday containers to surprise and delight you and your dog, with prizes and snacks for all. If you haven't completed Foundations 1 and 2, please come and volunteer: free! and you also get prizes!
Scent: Event: Holiday Containers
Prerequisite: Foundation 2. Come join us for holiday... Prerequisite: Foundation 2. Come join us for holiday container fun! All sorts of holiday containers to surprise and delight you and your dog, with prizes and snacks for all. If you haven't completed Foundations 1 and 2, please come and volunteer: free! and you also get prizes!
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