FOCUS on Puppies (UNDER 5 months old) | $495.00
One Time
This is not your typical, old-school puppy program. We have upgraded to a unique combination of services to best help you with your new puppy addition!
This 3 month program includes: 5 weeks of Puppy Pre-K classes at the Studio, 3 AfterSchool playgroup sessions with the Trainer and other puppies, 3 months of Membership access, 3 Meet-ups in new places with new dogs to practice "real life" skills, and 3 Support Group sessions to ask all the questions and connect with other puppy parents.
As a bonus, you will also receive puppy-FOCUSed webinars, such as "Teething & Tantrums", "Socialization made EASY", & "Struggle-Free Days with your Dog".
Don't wait to sign up! Once your puppy hits 5 months old, they have to join the big dog Membership instead!