This workshop is designed to put your dog's brain to the test! Dogs will practice using their nose to sniff out a treat, start learning their colors, and play monkey see-monkey do. Your dog does not have to be "advanced," they just need a willingness to learn!
This workshop is designed to help build your dog's confidence and body awareness! We'll practice having your dog interact with different obstacles such as a tunnel, balance board, and jump as well as working on strength and balance exercises.
Pre-requisites: Dogs must be comfortable being around other dogs and people while on leash (i.e. dogs who do not bark obsessively at other dogs/people while on leash or are aggressive towards other dogs or people).
This workshop is designed to help you and your pup learn to navigate social settings. You'll practice having your dog settle at your feet, walk past distractions, and remain calm around other people and dogs.
Prerequisite: Your dog must be comfortable around dogs/people and cannot bark excessively at them.
This workshop is designed to help you and your dog work on coming when called and polite greetings (not jumping up on people).
Prerequisite: Your dog must be comfortable around dogs/people and cannot bark excessively at them.
This workshop is designed to help you and your dog work on some fun new tricks! Tricks are a great way to build your relationship with your dog and to provide them with mental stimulation. We'll work on the tricks you want to work on, but some examples include play dead, sit pretty, bow, and wave!
Pre-requisites: Dogs must be comfortable being around other dogs and people while on leash (i.e. dogs who do not bark obsessively at other dogs/people while on leash or are aggressive towards other dogs or people).