Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting
Please fill out in as much detail as possible.
For the safety of all dogs in classes and training programs, please ensure that your dog's vaccinations are up to date & attach copy of your dog's current vaccination records.
Once your paperwork is complete, I will send you an invoice. Please pay minimum 48h prior to the start of training. Payment by etransfer and credit card only at this time.

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Expiry Date

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Expiry Date

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Expiry Date

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Waiver of Liability and Informed Consent Release.
I, the Releasing Party and the undersigned, have enrolled in services offered including but not limited to training services, mid-day breaks, field trips, workshops or any activities and other related activities offered by UPDOG TRAINING (Karrie Archibald), The Released Party. 
I certify that I have been informed and understand that there is always some unavoidable risk of injury involved when working with animals. I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by my dog(s) while my dog(s) attending leashed walks, off leash play and socialization, pet sitting, pet taxi, training services or any activities and other related activities offered by UPDOG TRAINING.
While my dog(s) is/are in the care and custody of UPDOG TRAINING if I am unreachable in the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize UPDOG TRAINING, its agents, and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for my dog. I understand that all costs in connection with, damage to property, veterinary, medical, or other treatment shall be my responsibility.

I acknowledge that dogs can be inherently difficult to control and that your dog may not be under control at all times resulting in the possibility of injury to myself, my dog, my family members, or third parties. Additionally, I have had full opportunity to discuss all concerns I have about the foregoing risks with UPDOG TRAINING and its authorized representatives. 
I also understand and agree that in releasing my dog(s) in UPDOG TRAINING’s care that my dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog and confirm the truthfulness of the contents of the intake form completed by me.

As lawful consideration for enrolling in services offered and/or participating in any training sessions, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns  hereby waive, release, discharge and agree not to sue and to indemnify, defend and hold harmless UPDOG TRAINING and their members, managers, agents, and employees from any and all injuries, losses, claims and damages to any person or persons of any nature whatsoever, including claims arising from the Released Party’s own negligence, and all costs associated therewith, including attorney’s fees, court costs and consultant fees, arising from my participation in these services.
This Waiver of Liability & Informed Consent Release shall be legally binding on the Releasing Party. Should the Releasing Party assert a claim to the contrary to what has been agreed to in this Waiver of Liability and Informed Consent Release, the claiming party shall be liable for all expenses (including attorney’s fees, court costs and consultant fees) incurred by both the Releasing Party and the Released Party. No waiver or modification of any provision herein shall be valid unless expressly agreed to in writing by both the Released Party and the Releasing Party. Every provision herein is intended to be severable. If any one or more of the provisions herein is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that shall not affect the other terms and provisions hereof, which shall remain binding and enforceable.
The Law of Alberta applies to this Agreement.

Photo & Video Release
I grant permission to UPDOG TRAINING, the irrevocable right to use my photograph(s), likeness and voice, including via video, and those of my dog(s) and of any minor children of mine who may have been photographed or recorded, for the following:
Instructional purposes solely with me, members of my family or household, or other persons who regularly handle my dog, such as other dog care professionals hired by me.
Instructional purposes for other clients or students of UPDOG TRAINING, including one-on-one sessions, group classes, web seminars, in-person presentations, etc.                          
Marketing purposes for UPDOG TRAINING, such as but not limited to use on UPDOG TRAINING’s website, social media channels, webinars, in-person presentations, email newsletters, and print materials.                                                                                                       
I hereby release UPDOG TRAINING and its legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability relating to said photograph(s), video(s), likeness and voice, indicated by my initials above.                                                                                                                                     
I acknowledge that I am over the age of 18

Cancellation Policy
Please choose your class day and time carefully. In order to maintain small class sizes and maintain consistency for students and instructors, we do not allow make-ups or refunds for missed classes or transfers to other classes. Because our aim is to provide an effective, personalized small group experience that sets all students up for the best chance of success, we actively enforce our policy. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding of our policy.
ClearSign Here
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